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A branch of dentistry which represents dental treatment therapy. This mainly refers to infections in tooth root canals, which are ‘live’ parts of a tooth, and are thus often indicated by pain or other types of sensitive reactions. In some cases, these infections also include bad breath, fever, fatigue and general body weakness.

Disease of the live part of a tooth, i.e. dental pulp, may have various origins, but most often it all starts with cavities.

Timely removal of cavities for the hard part of a tooth prevents infection spreading and dental pulp remains intact.

However, when from the cavity phase bacteria from the hard part of a tooth enter a tooth canal, they cause an infection called pulpitis. When a blood circulation in a tooth stops due to the impact of bacteria and toxins in the pulpitis phase, part of a tooth root decays and a tooth gangrene follows.

Tooth root decay can also be caused by various types of dental trauma, such as fracture, fall, blow, cut blood circulation or entry of cist-causing bacteria.

Also, the infection may spread from a tooth root apex to a part of the mandible.

An endodontic treatment represents the removal of infected content in a canal using adequate therapy and instruments. The main objective of an endodontic treatment is the elimination of infected content, adequate filling of canals so that a tooth no longer poses a threat for a patient’s health, and restauration of damaged tooth material.

For the purpose of quick, high-quality and efficient treatment therapy, we use digital devices, various types of lasers and endo motors with different rotations, complemented by adequate endo needle systems and optical equipment.

An endodontic treatment is followed by a tooth restauration for resuming its full function and achieving its previous morphological quality. A tooth restauration can be performed with different materials and in different manners, depending on a dentist’s assessment, as well as a patient’s wishes and capabilities.

Most endodontic therapies result in successful dental treatment, thus retaining natural teeth, which may be of huge significance in subsequent dental interventions or delay loss of natural teeth.

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